Monday, January 28, 2008

Party last Friday... SHUANG!!

Yea, well, haha, how to say, last friday invited some friends from IH over to christen the new place :P

Of course, not everyone showed up, (you were missed, dilshad, frances and ruvini.. the rest, well... )
and then, the people who DID show up, came an hour late... FUCKING MALAYSIANS!!! Learn to be on time =_=;

But, eventually they got there, and fun was had. :] Of course, I got to see how the three masters of bridge, aaron push, ming and daniel got OWNED by Vong. And when Vong got tired of winning, I took over :PP

Then, Indian takeaway for dinner. ROFLMAO! 2nd time in a row, we paid more than 10 dollars in coins. And I'm not talking 1 or 2 dollars, we're talking 10 cents and 5 cents. I had to give the delivery guy a bag for the coins XD I think if the place refuses to deliver to my house anymore I know who to blame.... *eyes daniel and aaron*

Dinner was fantastic, lots of rice, (provided by yours truly) and lots of curry, (ordered after my sob story of how there wasn't enough last time, and I had to go hungry... D:) So after a round of eating, while watching Roger Federer lose to the eventual champion of the Australian Open, being a guys only event, lots of dirty jokes and sexual references were made :] Won't go into detail for the girls reading the blog ahaha

Then it was POKER time! Woot, crapped out in the first round from bluffing too much, only learning then that Jia Wei calls EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. 2 and a 4? no problems! I go all in and get a straight on the turn! Obviously he was blessed by god, since he had just came back from church... too bad we weren't in Crown, or we'd be rolling in money ey?

After a round in which Daniel the poker master had lost in the first 2 games, (see a pattern between the words Daniel and master? :P) We decided that playing for nothing was pointless, so we all decided to buy the winner dinner. Rhymes doesn't it :/ But anyways, with the power of God behind him, Jia Wei could not lose. 30 rounds of calling everything under the sun later, only Jia Wei remained as the champion! So next time we go out for dinner, Jia Wei gets his free food! During the match, Daniel managed to fuck up his dealing, leading me to lose to Jia Wei... when I should have won. The mafia is on their way Daniel, I paid for the plane tickets today XD

We then decided to play Mah-Jong. Unfortunately, only 3 of the 6 people knew how to play. So we had 3 people learning as we went. Thanks to Frances for the Mah-Jong set, although she fails for its a 3 people set, leading to lots of substituting and removing tiles :/ This process was severely hampered by the sudden onset of anti-singaporean, anti-malay, and sexist jokes, if only Dilshad had been there to further raise his sexuality in doubt, the night would have been complete :D

Of course, Mah-Jong was fun too, seeing as how Vong managed to either have one less, or one extra of tiles, meaning he couldn't game at all for that round... for three rounds!. While he tried figuring out how he managed this feat, calls of "You fucked up!" were prevalent. Finally, we had enough, and the 3 IH'ers went home, being Vong, Aaron and Jia Wei. However, Ming and Daniel elected to spend the night at my place. All was fine, till Ming made the mistake of pointing out a huge spider on the wall right before we went to bed. Attempts to kill it, (I shall remember your heroism Daniel) drove it into my cupboard. Attempts to sleep failed, as me and Ming spent the first few sleepless minutes wondering when the spider would drop onto our faces. Finally we gave up, and dragged my futon into the lounge. Thus ended the party of the month for January! >_>

Anyways, thanks Jia Wei, Aaron, Ming, Daniel and Vong for coming, and for those of you who didn't make it, we're having another this Friday! So be there, or those mafia will have other targets once they arrive ⌐_⌐

Monday, January 21, 2008

A new year, a new beginning

Created this blog for the sole purpose of getting rid of that crappy ass old one. Fucking emo shit. Never again will I find myself in a situation like that. Thank god for maturity. This blog will only collect my thoughts and my happy experiences. None of that whiny bullshit.

2007 FUCK YOU IN THE FACE :] On to better things I say!