Monday, January 26, 2009

The World Ends With Me

"I'm the most important person in existence, the world revolves around me." Seems kinda self absorbed isn't it? I'm sure most of us would have been guilty of feeling that way at some stage of our lives. Too bad none of us realize that having that become reality isn't as fun as it sounds. I mean, I'm sure we all want to feel like our lives have meaning, that we all have some reason for being on this dustball. Heck, I'm sure plenty of us have wanted to be superheroes once upon a time. Bitten by a radioactive spider, born on a different planet, fall into a vat of chemical waste, and then get these cool powers that made us 'special'. More important than other people, and with the ability to change things for the better.

Well, for those of you nodding your heads, I've got a secret to tell you. I am a superhero. Well... not really, I mean, I don't save the world from the threat of aliens, or supervillians, I can't even stop a bank robbery. But I mean, superheroes are super because they have a power right? An ability? Well I have an ability, and its more powerful then any superhero to ever exist. Superman? Batman? Heck, even Galacticus or Darkseid, I've got them beat in the special ability department. They can't hold a candle to me! So whats this power of mine you ask? Umm.. heh, its kinda hard to explain... don't look at me like that! I really have a power, I do! Okay, okay, layman's terms eh? Fine. My name is Eric, and when my heart stops beating, the world ends. Or as I like to put it, the world ends with me.

Kinda overly dramatic eh? Well the reason for my ability is th-

"Eric! What are you doing?" I sigh, and slide away from the computer. I guess blogging will have to wait. I swivel the chair to face the doorway, just as a lady dressed in a lab coat bursts through the door, a gaggle of doctors and nurses following suit. The tide of medical practitioners swarm around me, leaving me and Dr. Bentley in the middle of it all. I feel like I'm in the eye of the storm, as portable medical equipment is set up everywhere, seeming like the construction of a hive. Even doctors can lose semblance of intelligence when they're swarming around like drones. I guess intelligence can sometimes be a point of perspective. A hand on my shoulder brings me out of my musings, and I look upward into the stern face of Dr. Bentley. Whats the usual cliche for a character like her? Oh yeah, she'd be real pretty if she smiled. But the dark thundercloud on her face probably meant a dearth of sunny days yet.

"Why do you keep insisting on sneaking off Eric?" She asks, straight to the point as usual. "Ah.. I was spending some time alone?" I reply weakly. Without her saying anything, we both know that's not allowed. I'm far too... important to be spending time alone, I had to be supervised, around the clock. "This place hasn't been sterilized Eric. What would have happened if you had caught something?" Dr Bentley asks sternly, eyeing her surroundings. This place, as she put it, was an office, with a table, a computer, a desk lamp, an office chair, and lack of any windows. Certainly not a place where a normal person would be in mortal danger. Then again, I'm "special". "Dr. Rivers! Begin disinfecting the room, and the rest of you, begin testing Eric, to ensure that he hasn't caught anything!" Dr, Bentley has begun directing her armada, and within minutes, the office had been scoured clean of anything smaller than a human being, and I had all manners of tubes, cables, needles and wires stuck, clipped, inserted, or by some other method attached to me. I closed my eyes, and tried to sleep, as all around me a dozen machines whirred and beeped, trying to translate the contents of my body into numbers, statistics, data.

After what seems like hours, actually, it was hours, the machines read the all clear, and the doctors around me give a sigh of relief. Dr Bentley had already begun finding out which moron had left an office open and available for me to sneak into. Poor sod would probably lose his or her job. Had I felt the need to express myself to the world less important than someones job, I might have felt guilty. After all, the people working here were the best of the best. They'd be able to find work anywhere else easily. At Dr. Bentley's order, the mob begins moving, as I'm herded along like a stray sheep. Doctors scramble over themselves to open doors, while nurses hold onto me, as if scared that I would evaporate into thin air, kinda like that invisible man H.G Wells wrote about. Hah, fat chance, that'd be a cool power to have.

The journey ends in a glass cube that hangs in the middle of a cavernous room. The only way in being small tunnel, and by small, I mean its only four times the size of the support struts holding the cube in place. I'm allowed to walk the length of the tunnel by myself, free from the mob at last. As I enter the cube, the place I call home, I feel the effects of the drugs that had been constantly pumped into me over the course of the past few hours ebbing. The drugs were administered to relax me, as I was moved around, to keep me from getting excited at all the new sights and sounds. It wasn't needed in the cube. The very air inside here was already laced with stuff that would ensure my emotions would be at a normal satisfied state, never dipping towards sadness, or raising to excitement. Just a steady level of boredom. I look around the cube for things to do. Nothing much really, a bed, a toilet, a shower, with shower curtains, a fact I'd always found weird, since at any other time when I'm naked I was scrutinised by at least ten pairs of eyes. But not the shower. How odd.

I decide that perhaps sitting on the bed would be the most exciting thing to do in the cube, and after a modicum of effort, find myself lying down on the bed, having decided mid-motion that I was going to do things differently. "I'm such a rebel!" I say out loud, to no one in particular. The irony of course, is that there were at least ten people listening to those words, I'd just never get a response. I sigh, and try to sleep, perhaps there'd be something to do tomorrow, maybe a chance to sneak out again, who knows? I've got time after all...

Dr. Bentley smiled as she saw the form of Eric toss lightly in the bed sheets. Nothing bad had happened. Sure, Eric had gone missing, but he had been found within a few hours, and he was perfectly healthy. And now he was back, safe in the cube, where he belonged. A polite cough drew her attention to her personal assistant. "What is it Janice?" she asked, never taking her attention away from the glass cube, and the person inside it. "We've found out who the office belongs to, a Mr. Glatzy, a senior director in the company. He claims that he had just stepped out for a cigarette, he had no idea Eric would sneak in." Dr. Bentley kept her tone calm. "Fire Mr. Glatzy, his addiction to nicotine almost put the entire world in peril." Janice had expected such a reaction. "I assume I am to arrange for his proper departure from the company?" she asked, as she begun making notes on her PDA. Dr. Bentley's eyes flashed as she turned to Janice.
"Of course, word of what we are doing here can never leave this facility. Give him his due notice, have him pack his things, bring him outside, then dispose of him." "As you will, Dr. Bentley," Janice said, as she turned and walked off to administer to the departure of Mr. Glatzy. Things were going swimmingly, Dr. Bentley thought to herself. The world need never know what we do down here, just that for another day, the sun rose, the sun set, and life went on as usual.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Religion, a debt repaid, no longer needed

I remember a time long ago, when I used to believe fervently in Christianity, that somewhere in this book called the bible, was direction and purpose for my life, a sense of guidance as to what was right, and what was wrong. Now I have found that religion false, betrayed by man, our own ego and hubris leading to one of the most beautiful concepts ever designed to fall to waste. Religion in itself is not necessarily evil, but it is when man decides that he needs to interpret the words of 'God' for others to hear, that the truth of a religion falls to the wayside.

I believe in God, or at least, the concept of one, but I can't believe in any of the religions currently championed by the various peoples of this earth. A god to me, would not be something I'd have to read about, go to a building to worship, or involve intricate ceremonies to earn its favor. God should be deeply personal, something that guides a human being through his path of life, keeping him on the straight and narrow, providing a source of spiritual fulfillment. It is his own personal thing, not one he needs to declare to the world, his own covenant with his deity. What goes on between a man and his God should be private, and religion is the opposite of that. Religion is about sharing and converting those that are too weak to stick to their own beliefs in their own personal God, to rope them in like so many cattle, to raise a banner to your perception of God. In other words, its basically a huge exercise in boosting your already incredibly inflated ego.

I will not say that religion has done nothing for mankind, I personally believe that religion has allowed for the existence of the very society in which we now live. Without the rules,laws and basic tenets of what religion teaches us, a society would never arise from the nomadic tribes that first served as our only forms of human interaction. But in todays day and age, I personally feel that religion has outlived its usefulness. Society will not degrade any further if religion were allowed to vanish, the basic principles of humanity that it preaches would keep society flourishing. It is no longer an alien concept to not commit murder, adultery, lie, cheat or steal, we now have the law and the legal system to uphold that. (The effectiveness and overall abuse of this system will be discussed on another post, lest I get sidetracked)

If man is at all intelligent, surely he can see that the world would be a better place without religion. Wars may have been started over concepts of nationality, or women, or diplomatic FUBAR's, but most are started by religion. When you give the personal beliefs of a man a 'face', you give others a target for them to attack, bring down, and destroy. And while a man may fight bravely for country and loved ones, he will die for his own personal beliefs. Religion divides the world into a small list of 'faces', and we all suffer for it. Religious conflict will always endure, simply because religion by itself, breeds conflict. When your religion declares all others false, by and large you open yourself up to differences of opinion, and when those are inevitably doomed to fail in any forms of peaceful debate, we end up with one of the numerous numbers of wars that have plagued mankind for centuries.

When I was a Christian, I found the concept of different subtypes of Christianity amusing, yet completely and utterly idiotic. When you are at odds with 2/3rds of the Earth's population, having your own little cliques with which to start internally squabbling with each other over minor technicalities and grabs for power... it all seems like the actions of some demented children in a playground. Even some of the most lenient religions in the world, such as Buddhism, preach tolerance, not acceptance. 'Tolerance' is an interesting word, it basically means that, while others beliefs may not be true, and while yours is right, leaving them alone with their ignorance is the right thing to do. The sticking point of religion for me, is the arrogance that permeates most, if not all of them.

Man is the supreme ruler of the planet, given to us by our God

Being reincarnated as a man is one of the highest forms one can attain

Our religion is always right, other people are wrong, and we shall either kill them, convert them, laugh at them, or ignore them, sometimes using a mixture of the aforementioned choices

We are the chosen race among all the others on earth, we are superior to the others of our ilk, because we are the chosen ones

Only those that believe will go to heaven, all others have a space reserved for them in hell.

Religion is so arrogant that never once has it been said that perhaps someone else might have gotten it right! Acceptance is the order of the day, I believe that while my own covenant with god serves my spiritual purpose, others may have gotten it more right than I do, perhaps having a firmer connection spiritually, I accept their own beliefs, never once believing that, even as I write this post, I might be 100% right in what I am doing, after all, I am but human, and we are far from perfect.

At what point in time, did our race fall into such a huge ego trap? Religion works by making you feel special, stroking your ego, making you out to be a part of something special, promising you rewards if you believe, punishment if you don't. If my creator preached love and compassion, but was unmoving in his judgment of people who did not believe, I would spit in his face, upon the moment he decides I should suffer for all eternity in a sadistic realm of his own making. If Christianity is to be believed, God should be crying and feeling awfully sorry for you, even while he condemns your soul to hell. A loving God my ass, no God full of compassion would use the carrot and the stick method, same as no God full of compassion would ever make a world of suffering, then have a thousand and one excuses as to why the world is such.

I believe the world is where it is right now due to religion, for better or for worse, but I also believe that the world no longer needs religion, if we can transcend race, country and politics, can't we also not achieve a greater union by transcending religion? The day when everyone tears down the mosques, the churches, the temples, decides to ignore the lies of the few trying to control the masses, learn for themselves how wrong the very idea concept of religion is, a war-starting, race dividing concept that has shackled down humanity for the ages....

But of course, that day will be long in coming, as the few with clarity of vision are swept aside by the tide of mindless sheep, bleating all the way to the chopping block, their eyes only focused on the promise of endless land of grass, sun and lack of predators awaiting them. It's time for them to wake up from their idealized vision of the world. This is the only shot we get at existence, at life, make the most of it, don't be shackled down by religion, live life the way you want to, live life for the sake of living life, not to earn brownie points for a ticket to heaven, or a harem full of virgins, or to be reborn into one of the higher lifeforms. Thou shalt live life. That is all, the only fucking commandment we need.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Introspection,,, with a Lah!

Its quite strange how things can change in a year, looking back at past choices, past decisions, this time without regret, just a calm knowledge that you're smarter for it. Smarter in choices of friends, choices of actions, choices of attitudes.

Who would guess last year that right now I'd be sitting next to Vong, happily enjoying a game of Catan or D&D? He was the one person I never got along with last year, (I'm man enough to admit the main reason, perhaps the only reason, being that he stood a far better chance of getting together with Xin Yu then I ever did, funny thing is he never did, neither did I, and we can look back on that and laugh) Well, I can, I still don't know him well enough, so I can't say he harbors some grudge, I know I would, and it's quite humbling that he's still willing to be the better man.

Or maybe it just shows how immature I was last year, that my actions were of small note to him, and easily forgiven, perhaps even inconsequential. New friends were made, and instead of playing dota, I play board games, the only constant being that me and Luxian are still fast friends. I don't really know how I would imagine life without him, in a totally non gay way ;). It's just... normalcy, even the kitchen people in IH picked up that we were thick as thieves, yet its funny how I disliked him at the start of last year.

I must admit I do have abit of a inferiority complex towards Luxian and Vong, Luxian because he is everything I want to be, good at sports and talented at music, while being a nice guy, something I have to try very hard to be at times, and Vong is perhaps an improved version of me. A better artist by far, more charismatic than I am, more wise. It's very frightening I suppose, when someone is effortlessly better than you at something you pride yourself at, its sometimes a struggle not to feel threatened by his continued presence, yet our discussions are something I now take great pleasure in. Vong if you do ever read this, (lord knows I hope you don't), just want you to know I do respect you, and hope I have at least reached your level of maturity when I'm that old ;) jokes)

Luxian said something that amused me very greatly the other night, that he had an inferiority complex with me, he said he wished he was as "wise" as I was, haha.... after my actions last year, how could I ever be mistaken for as wise? I can theologise and spout crap out my mouth with the best of them, but wise... heh... my char has wisdom 18! I do admit I feel far more comfortable now though, having moved out of IH has given me the space I need, while still giving me the freedom to go back and socialise, truly the best of both worlds.

On a lighter note, I recently went to see Coheed and Cambria live, they were fucking awesome. So awesome I shall now call them CFC, Coheed Fuckin Cambria. Not only is Claudio's hair the biggest thing I have ever seen on a person's head, he can play the guitar so smoothly :], and it's an awesome experience when you see fans singing along with the band, and the band allowing them to sing key parts for them. The Pink Floyd'esque guitar battle on the Camper Velorium IV, the 7 minute drum solo that followed, then slipping right back into the ending, it was beautiful. Coheed Fuckin Cambria, I'd see you live again, anytime anywhere. Best part about unpopular unknown bands is that concert tickets are so cheap. 50 dollars for good seats as opposed to 150 for nosebleeds at a more popular artistes concert. heh, no contest... anyways, till next time... ciaozor

Monday, January 28, 2008

Party last Friday... SHUANG!!

Yea, well, haha, how to say, last friday invited some friends from IH over to christen the new place :P

Of course, not everyone showed up, (you were missed, dilshad, frances and ruvini.. the rest, well... )
and then, the people who DID show up, came an hour late... FUCKING MALAYSIANS!!! Learn to be on time =_=;

But, eventually they got there, and fun was had. :] Of course, I got to see how the three masters of bridge, aaron push, ming and daniel got OWNED by Vong. And when Vong got tired of winning, I took over :PP

Then, Indian takeaway for dinner. ROFLMAO! 2nd time in a row, we paid more than 10 dollars in coins. And I'm not talking 1 or 2 dollars, we're talking 10 cents and 5 cents. I had to give the delivery guy a bag for the coins XD I think if the place refuses to deliver to my house anymore I know who to blame.... *eyes daniel and aaron*

Dinner was fantastic, lots of rice, (provided by yours truly) and lots of curry, (ordered after my sob story of how there wasn't enough last time, and I had to go hungry... D:) So after a round of eating, while watching Roger Federer lose to the eventual champion of the Australian Open, being a guys only event, lots of dirty jokes and sexual references were made :] Won't go into detail for the girls reading the blog ahaha

Then it was POKER time! Woot, crapped out in the first round from bluffing too much, only learning then that Jia Wei calls EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. 2 and a 4? no problems! I go all in and get a straight on the turn! Obviously he was blessed by god, since he had just came back from church... too bad we weren't in Crown, or we'd be rolling in money ey?

After a round in which Daniel the poker master had lost in the first 2 games, (see a pattern between the words Daniel and master? :P) We decided that playing for nothing was pointless, so we all decided to buy the winner dinner. Rhymes doesn't it :/ But anyways, with the power of God behind him, Jia Wei could not lose. 30 rounds of calling everything under the sun later, only Jia Wei remained as the champion! So next time we go out for dinner, Jia Wei gets his free food! During the match, Daniel managed to fuck up his dealing, leading me to lose to Jia Wei... when I should have won. The mafia is on their way Daniel, I paid for the plane tickets today XD

We then decided to play Mah-Jong. Unfortunately, only 3 of the 6 people knew how to play. So we had 3 people learning as we went. Thanks to Frances for the Mah-Jong set, although she fails for its a 3 people set, leading to lots of substituting and removing tiles :/ This process was severely hampered by the sudden onset of anti-singaporean, anti-malay, and sexist jokes, if only Dilshad had been there to further raise his sexuality in doubt, the night would have been complete :D

Of course, Mah-Jong was fun too, seeing as how Vong managed to either have one less, or one extra of tiles, meaning he couldn't game at all for that round... for three rounds!. While he tried figuring out how he managed this feat, calls of "You fucked up!" were prevalent. Finally, we had enough, and the 3 IH'ers went home, being Vong, Aaron and Jia Wei. However, Ming and Daniel elected to spend the night at my place. All was fine, till Ming made the mistake of pointing out a huge spider on the wall right before we went to bed. Attempts to kill it, (I shall remember your heroism Daniel) drove it into my cupboard. Attempts to sleep failed, as me and Ming spent the first few sleepless minutes wondering when the spider would drop onto our faces. Finally we gave up, and dragged my futon into the lounge. Thus ended the party of the month for January! >_>

Anyways, thanks Jia Wei, Aaron, Ming, Daniel and Vong for coming, and for those of you who didn't make it, we're having another this Friday! So be there, or those mafia will have other targets once they arrive ⌐_⌐

Monday, January 21, 2008

A new year, a new beginning

Created this blog for the sole purpose of getting rid of that crappy ass old one. Fucking emo shit. Never again will I find myself in a situation like that. Thank god for maturity. This blog will only collect my thoughts and my happy experiences. None of that whiny bullshit.

2007 FUCK YOU IN THE FACE :] On to better things I say!